Source code for dhcpkit_kafka.server_extension

This handler provides a looking glass into DHCP server operations by sending interesting information on Kafka
import logging
import socket
import time

import pykafka
from dhcpkit.ipv6.server.handlers import Handler
from dhcpkit.ipv6.server.transaction_bundle import TransactionBundle
from typing import Iterable, Tuple

from dhcpkit_kafka.messages import DHCPKafkaMessage

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _format_host_port(host: str, port: int) -> str:
    if not host:
        # Default hostname
        host = socket.getfqdn()

    if ':' in host:
        host = '[{}]'.format(host)

    if port:
        return '{}:{}'.format(host, port)
        return host

[docs]class KafkaHandler(Handler): """ Option handler that provides a looking glass into DHCP server operations by logging information about requests and responses into an SQLite database. The primary key is (duid, interface_id, remote_id) :type source_address: Tuple[str, int] :type brokers: Iterable[Tuple[str, int]] :type topic_name: str :type server_name: str :type kafka: pykafka.KafkaClient :type kafka_topic: pykafka.Topic :type kafka_producer: pykafka.Producer :type last_connect_attempt: int """ def __init__(self, source_address: Tuple[str, int], brokers: Iterable[Tuple[str, int]], topic_name: str, server_name: str): super().__init__() self.source_address = source_address self.brokers = brokers self.topic_name = topic_name self.server_name = server_name or socket.getfqdn() self.kafka = None """The Kafka client""" self.kafka_topic = None """The Kafka topic we publish to""" self.kafka_producer = None """The Kafka producer""" self.last_connect_attempt = 0 """Remember when the last connection attempt was for reconnect rate-limiting"""
[docs] def worker_init(self): """ Initialise the Kafka client in each worker """ logging.getLogger('pykafka').setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger('pykafka.cluster').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # Create the connection self.connect()
[docs] def connect(self): """ Connect the producer to the broker. """ now = time.time() if now - self.last_connect_attempt < 5: # Last attempt was less than 5 seconds ago, don't push it... return self.last_connect_attempt = now try: # Build as strings: the pyKafka type hinting is wrong hosts = [_format_host_port(host, port or 9092) for host, port in self.brokers] # noinspection PyTypeChecker self.kafka = pykafka.KafkaClient(hosts=','.join(hosts), source_address=self.source_address or '') """The Kafka client""" self.kafka_topic = self.kafka.topics[self.topic_name.encode('ascii')] """The Kafka topic we publish to""" self.kafka_producer = self.kafka_topic.get_producer(block_on_queue_full=False, linger_ms=500, min_queued_messages=50, max_queued_messages=1000) """The Kafka producer""" except Exception as e: logger.critical("Kafka logging disabled: {}".format(e))
def __del__(self): """ Clean up when this option handler is being removed (or reloaded). """ if self.kafka_producer: self.kafka_producer.stop()
[docs] def analyse_pre(self, bundle: TransactionBundle): """ Start building the Kafka message. :param bundle: The transaction bundle """ bundle.handler_data[self] = DHCPKafkaMessage(server_name=self.server_name, timestamp_in=time.time(), message_in=bundle.incoming_message)
[docs] def analyse_post(self, bundle: TransactionBundle): """ Finish the Kafka message and send it. :param bundle: The transaction bundle """ # Try to reconnect if necessary if not self.kafka_producer: self.connect() if not self.kafka_producer: # Ok, nowhere to send the analysis, stop return try: # Get the Kafka message from storage message = bundle.handler_data[self] # Add the outgoing message to the Kafka message message.timestamp_out = time.time() message.message_out = bundle.outgoing_message # And send the Kafka message self.kafka_producer.produce(bytes( except Exception as e: logger.warning("Not logging transaction in LookingGlass: {}".format(e))