Source code for dhcpkit.utils

Utility functions
import codecs
import re

import idna
from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Union

[docs]def camelcase_to_underscore(camelcase: str) -> str: """ Convert a name in CamelCase to non_camel_case :param camelcase: CamelCased string :return: non_camel_cased string """ # Handle weird Camel-Case notation s0 = camelcase.replace('-', '_') # Insert an underscore before any uppercase letter which is followed by a lowercase letter s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', s0) # Insert an underscore before any uppercase letter which is preceded by a lowercase letter or number s2 = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1) # Lowercase the result s3 = s2.lower() # And return with double underscores collapsed return re.sub(r'_+', '_', s3)
[docs]def camelcase_to_dash(camelcase: str) -> str: """ Convert a name in CamelCase to non-camel-case :param camelcase: CamelCased string :return: non-camel-cased string """ # The same as camelcase_to_underscore, but with the underscores replaced by dashes return camelcase_to_underscore(camelcase).replace('_', '-')
[docs]def validate_domain_label(label: str): """ Check if a given string is a valid domain label :param label: The domain label """ # Just try to encode it to ASCII try: idna.alabel(label) except idna.IDNAError as e: if e.args and 'A-label' in e.args[0]: raise ValueError('Invalid label') from None else: raise ValueError(e.args[0]) from None
# Representation and Use of Domain Names # :rfc:`3315#section-8` # # So that domain names may be encoded uniformly, a domain name or a # list of domain names is encoded using the technique described in # section 3.1 of :rfc:`1035` [10]. A domain name, or list of domain # names, in DHCP MUST NOT be stored in compressed form, as described in # section 4.1.4 of :rfc:`1035`.
[docs]def parse_domain_bytes(buffer: bytes, offset: int = 0, length: int = None, allow_relative: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, str]: """ Extract a single domain name. :param buffer: The buffer to read data from :param offset: The offset in the buffer where to start reading :param length: The amount of data we are allowed to read from the buffer :param allow_relative: Allow domain names that do not end with a zero-length label :return: The number of bytes used from the buffer and the extracted domain name """ my_offset = 0 max_offset = length or (len(buffer) - offset) current_labels = [] while max_offset > my_offset: label_length = buffer[offset + my_offset] my_offset += 1 # End of a sequence of labels if label_length == 0: domain_name_bytes = b'.'.join(current_labels) + b'.' domain_name = idna.decode(domain_name_bytes) if len(domain_name) > 254: raise ValueError("Domain too long") return my_offset, domain_name if label_length > 63: raise ValueError('Label too long') # Check if we stay below the max offset if my_offset + label_length > max_offset: raise ValueError('Invalid encoded domain name, exceeds available buffer') # New label current_label_bytes = buffer[offset + my_offset:offset + my_offset + label_length] my_offset += label_length current_labels.append(current_label_bytes) if allow_relative: # We have reached the end of the data and we allow relative labels: we're done domain_name_bytes = b'.'.join(current_labels) domain_name = idna.decode(domain_name_bytes) if len(domain_name) > 253: raise ValueError("Domain too long") return my_offset, domain_name raise ValueError('Domain name must end with a 0-length label')
[docs]def parse_domain_list_bytes(buffer: bytes, offset: int = 0, length: int = None) -> Tuple[int, list]: """ Extract a list of domain names. :param buffer: The buffer to read data from :param offset: The offset in the buffer where to start reading :param length: The amount of data we are allowed to read from the buffer :return: The number of bytes used from the buffer and the extracted domain names """ my_offset = 0 max_offset = length or (len(buffer) - offset) domain_names = [] while max_offset > my_offset: domain_name_len, domain_name = parse_domain_bytes(buffer, offset=offset + my_offset, length=max_offset - my_offset) domain_names.append(domain_name) my_offset += domain_name_len return my_offset, domain_names
[docs]def encode_domain(domain_name: str, allow_relative: bool = False) -> bytearray: """ Encode a single domain name as a sequence of bytes :param domain_name: The domain name :param allow_relative: Assume that domain names that don't end with a period are relative and encode them as such :return: The encoded domain name as bytes """ if not isinstance(domain_name, str): raise ValueError("Domain name must be a string") buffer = bytearray() # Replace multiple dots at the end with one if domain_name.endswith('.'): domain_name = domain_name.rstrip('.') + '.' # Support IDN try: domain_name = idna.encode(domain_name).decode('ascii') except idna.IDNAError as e: if e.args and 'A-label' in e.args[0]: raise ValueError('Invalid label') from None else: raise ValueError(e.args[0]) from None # Be nice: strip trailing dots if allow_relative: if domain_name.endswith('.'): # Treat as FQDN domain_name = domain_name.rstrip('.') end_with_zero = True else: # Treat as relative end_with_zero = False else: # Treat as FQDN domain_name = domain_name.rstrip('.') end_with_zero = True domain_name_parts = domain_name.split('.') for label in domain_name_parts: validate_domain_label(label) label_length = len(label) buffer.append(label_length) buffer.extend(label.encode('ascii')) if end_with_zero: # End FQDN domain name with a 0-length label buffer.append(0) return buffer
[docs]def encode_domain_list(domain_names: Iterable[str]) -> bytearray: """ Encode a list of domain names to a sequence of bytes :param domain_names: The list of domain names :return: The encoded domain names as bytes """ buffer = bytearray() for domain_name in domain_names: buffer.extend(encode_domain(domain_name)) return buffer
[docs]def normalise_hex(hex_data: Union[str, bytes], include_colons: bool = False) -> str: """ Normalise a string containing hexadecimal data :param hex_data: Hexadecimal data, either with or without colon separators per byte :param include_colons: Whether to include colon separators per byte in the output :return: Hexadecimal data in lowercase without colon separators """ # If input is bytes then convert to hex string if isinstance(hex_data, bytes): hex_data = codecs.encode(hex_data, 'hex').decode('ascii') # Empty strings are ok if hex_data == '': return hex_data # The rest needs to consist of sets of 2 hex characters, possibly separated with a colon if re.match(r'^[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}(:?[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})*$', hex_data): # Format is sane, strip any colons and lowercase, and we're done hex_data = hex_data.replace(':', '').lower() if include_colons: hex_data = ':'.join(re.findall('..', hex_data)) return hex_data # Bad data raise ValueError('Input data is not valid hex data')