Source code for dhcpkit.ipv6.server.statistics

Statistics about the server in shared memory
from collections import OrderedDict
from ctypes import c_uint64
from multiprocessing import Value
from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Synchronized

from dhcpkit.ipv6.message_registry import message_registry
from dhcpkit.ipv6.messages import ClientServerMessage
from dhcpkit.ipv6.server.transaction_bundle import TransactionBundle
from dhcpkit.utils import camelcase_to_underscore
from typing import Dict, Hashable, Iterable, List

[docs]def create_update_method(counter_name): """ Create a counting method for a simple counter on the Statistics class :param counter_name: The name of the counter to update :return: The generated method """ def count_method(self): """ Call the counting method on all statistics objects """ counter = getattr(self, counter_name) with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 return count_method
[docs]def create_update_dict_method(counter_name): """ Create a counting method for a counter in a dictionary on the Statistics class :param counter_name: The name of the counter to update :return: The generated method """ def count_method(self, key): """ Update the counter for the given key """ counter_dict = getattr(self, counter_name) if key in counter_dict: counter = counter_dict[key] with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 return count_method
[docs]def create_count_method(method_name: str): """ Create a counting method for the StatisticsSet class :param method_name: The name of the method to call on Statistics objects :return: The generated method """ def count_method(self): """ Call the counting method on all statistics objects """ for stats in self.statistics_set: method = getattr(stats, method_name) method() return count_method
[docs]def create_count_dict_method(method_name: str): """ Create a counting method for the StatisticsSet class :param method_name: The name of the method to call on Statistics objects :return: The generated method """ def count_method(self, key): """ Call the counting method on all statistics objects """ for stats in self.statistics_set: method = getattr(stats, method_name) method(key) return count_method
[docs]class Statistics: """ A set of statistics about DHCPv6 :type incoming_packets: Synchronized :type outgoing_packets: Synchronized :type unparsable_packets: Synchronized :type handling_errors: Synchronized :type for_other_server: Synchronized :type do_not_respond: Synchronized :type use_multicast: Synchronized :type unknown_query_type: Synchronized :type malformed_query: Synchronized :type not_allowed: Synchronized :type other_error: Synchronized :type messages_in: Dict[int, Synchronized] :type messages_out: Dict[int, Synchronized] """ def __init__(self): # Packet counts self.incoming_packets = Value(c_uint64) self.outgoing_packets = Value(c_uint64) # Errors self.unparsable_packets = Value(c_uint64) self.handling_errors = Value(c_uint64) # Special replies self.for_other_server = Value(c_uint64) self.do_not_respond = Value(c_uint64) self.use_multicast = Value(c_uint64) self.unknown_query_type = Value(c_uint64) self.malformed_query = Value(c_uint64) self.not_allowed = Value(c_uint64) self.other_error = Value(c_uint64) # Counters per message type self.messages_in = OrderedDict() self.messages_out = OrderedDict() # Which message types do we know about? message_registry_keys = list(message_registry.keys()) message_registry_keys.sort() for key in message_registry_keys: message_class = message_registry[key] if message_class.from_client_to_server and issubclass(message_class, ClientServerMessage): self.messages_in[message_class.message_type] = Value(c_uint64) if message_class.from_server_to_client and issubclass(message_class, ClientServerMessage): self.messages_out[message_class.message_type] = Value(c_uint64) def __str__(self): lines = [ "Packets", "- Incoming packets: {}".format(self.incoming_packets.value), "- Outgoing packets: {}".format(self.outgoing_packets.value), "Errors", "- Unparsable packets: {}".format(self.unparsable_packets.value), "- Handling errors: {}".format(self.handling_errors.value), "Special replies", "- For other server: {}".format(self.for_other_server.value), "- Do not respond: {}".format(self.do_not_respond.value), "- Use multicast: {}".format(self.use_multicast.value), "- Unknown query type: {}".format(self.unknown_query_type.value), "- Malformed query: {}".format(self.malformed_query.value), "- Not allowed: {}".format(self.not_allowed.value), "- Other error: {}".format(self.other_error.value), "Incoming messages", ] for message_type, counter in self.messages_in.items(): message_type_name = message_registry[message_type].__name__ if message_type_name.endswith('Message'): message_type_name = message_type_name[:-7] lines += ['- {}: {}'.format(message_type_name, counter.value)] lines += ['Outgoing messages'] for message_type, counter in self.messages_out.items(): message_type_name = message_registry[message_type].__name__ if message_type_name.endswith('Message'): message_type_name = message_type_name[:-7] lines += ['- {}: {}'.format(message_type_name, counter.value)] return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def export(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Export the counters :return: The counters in a processable format """ out = OrderedDict() out['incoming_packets'] = self.incoming_packets.value out['outgoing_packets'] = self.outgoing_packets.value out['unparsable_packets'] = self.unparsable_packets.value out['handling_errors'] = self.handling_errors.value out['for_other_server'] = self.for_other_server.value out['do_not_respond'] = self.do_not_respond.value out['use_multicast'] = self.use_multicast.value out['unknown_query_type'] = self.unknown_query_type.value out['malformed_query'] = self.malformed_query.value out['not_allowed'] = self.not_allowed.value out['other_error'] = self.other_error.value out['messages_in'] = OrderedDict() for message_type, counter in self.messages_in.items(): message_type_name = message_registry[message_type].__name__ message_type_name = camelcase_to_underscore(message_type_name) if message_type_name.endswith('_message'): message_type_name = message_type_name[:-8] out['messages_in'][message_type_name] = counter.value out['messages_out'] = OrderedDict() for message_type, counter in self.messages_out.items(): message_type_name = message_registry[message_type].__name__ message_type_name = camelcase_to_underscore(message_type_name) if message_type_name.endswith('_message'): message_type_name = message_type_name[:-8] out['messages_out'][message_type_name] = counter.value return out
count_incoming_packet = create_update_method('incoming_packets') count_outgoing_packet = create_update_method('outgoing_packets') count_unparsable_packet = create_update_method('unparsable_packets') count_handling_error = create_update_method('handling_errors') count_for_other_server = create_update_method('for_other_server') count_do_not_respond = create_update_method('do_not_respond') count_use_multicast = create_update_method('use_multicast') count_unknown_query_type = create_update_method('unknown_query_type') count_malformed_query = create_update_method('malformed_query') count_not_allowed = create_update_method('not_allowed') count_other_error = create_update_method('other_error') count_message_in = create_update_dict_method('messages_in') count_message_out = create_update_dict_method('messages_out')
[docs]class StatisticsSet: """ A set of statistics objects that are updated together. The metaclass will create all methods for us. """ def __init__(self, statistics_set: Iterable[Statistics] = None): self.statistics_set = set(statistics_set or []) count_incoming_packet = create_count_method('count_incoming_packet') count_outgoing_packet = create_count_method('count_outgoing_packet') count_unparsable_packet = create_count_method('count_unparsable_packet') count_handling_error = create_count_method('count_handling_error') count_for_other_server = create_count_method('count_for_other_server') count_do_not_respond = create_count_method('count_do_not_respond') count_use_multicast = create_count_method('count_use_multicast') count_unknown_query_type = create_count_method('count_unknown_query_type') count_malformed_query = create_count_method('count_malformed_query') count_not_allowed = create_count_method('count_not_allowed') count_other_error = create_count_method('count_other_error') count_message_in = create_count_dict_method('count_message_in') count_message_out = create_count_dict_method('count_message_out')
[docs]class ServerStatistics: """ A set of statistics about the DHCPv6 server :type global_stats: Statistics :type interface_stats: Dict[str, Statistics] :type subnet_stats: Dict[IPv6Network, Statistics] :type relay_stats: Dict[IPv6Address, Statistics] """ def __init__(self): self.global_stats = Statistics() # On-demand categories self.interface_stats = {} self.subnet_stats = {} self.relay_stats = {}
[docs] def set_categories(self, category_settings): """ Create space for the given interfaces :param category_settings: Configuration setting for categories """ if not category_settings: return def update_categories(container: Dict[Hashable, Statistics], categories: Iterable[Hashable]): """ Update a category dictionary based on the provided list of wanted categories :param container: The container to update :param categories: The list of wanted categories """ # Keep track of existing categories that we don't want anymore remaining = set(container.keys()) # Create categories for key in categories: if key not in container: container[key] = Statistics() if key in remaining: remaining.remove(key) # Remove unwanted categories for key in remaining: del container[key] update_categories(self.interface_stats, category_settings.interfaces) update_categories(self.subnet_stats, category_settings.subnets) update_categories(self.relay_stats, category_settings.relays)
[docs] def get_update_set(self, interface_name: str = None, bundle: TransactionBundle = None) -> StatisticsSet: """ Return all statistics objects that need to be updated. :param interface_name: The name of the interface that we received the packet on :param bundle: The transaction bundle to base the selection on :return: The set to call count methods on """ stats_set = [self.global_stats] if interface_name and interface_name in self.interface_stats: stats_set.append(self.interface_stats[interface_name]) if bundle: link_address = bundle.link_address for subnet, stats in self.subnet_stats.items(): if link_address in subnet: stats_set.append(stats) relays = bundle.relays for address, stats in self.relay_stats.items(): if address in relays: stats_set.append(stats) return StatisticsSet(stats_set)
def __str__(self): lines = ['Global'] lines += [('- ' if not line.startswith('- ') else ' ') + line for line in str(self.global_stats).split('\n')] def get_category_lines(type_name: str, category_data: Dict[Hashable, Statistics]) -> List[str]: """ Get lines for a category :param type_name: A descriptive type name for the categories :param category_data: A dictionary for categories :return: The lines for the provided category """ sub_lines = [] keys = list(category_data.keys()) keys.sort() for name in keys: sub_lines += ['', '{} {}'.format(type_name, name)] sub_lines += [('- ' if not line.startswith('- ') else ' ') + line for line in str(category_data[name]).split('\n')] return sub_lines lines += get_category_lines('Interface', self.interface_stats) lines += get_category_lines('Subnet', self.subnet_stats) lines += get_category_lines('Relay', self.relay_stats) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def export(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Export the counters :return: The counters in a processable format """ out = OrderedDict() out['global'] = self.global_stats.export() def get_category_data(category_data: Dict[Hashable, Statistics]) -> Dict[str, dict]: """ Get data for a category :param category_data: A dictionary for categories :return: The data for the provided categories """ data = OrderedDict() keys = list(category_data.keys()) keys.sort() for name in keys: data[str(name)] = category_data[name].export() return data out['interfaces'] = get_category_data(self.interface_stats) out['subnets'] = get_category_data(self.subnet_stats) out['relays'] = get_category_data(self.relay_stats) return out