Source code for dhcpkit.ipv6.server.listeners.tcp

Code to keep the receiving and sending sockets together. When receiving traffic on a link-local multicast address
the reply should be sent from a link-local address on the receiving interface. This class makes it easy to keep those
import logging
import multiprocessing
import socket
import weakref
from ipaddress import IPv6Address, IPv6Network
from multiprocessing import Lock
from struct import pack, unpack_from

from dhcpkit.common.server.logging import DEBUG_PACKETS
from dhcpkit.ipv6 import SERVER_PORT
from dhcpkit.ipv6.messages import RelayReplyMessage
from dhcpkit.ipv6.options import InterfaceIdOption
from dhcpkit.ipv6.server.listeners import ClosedListener, IncomingPacketBundle, IncompleteMessage, Listener, \
    ListenerCreator, ListeningSocketError, Replier, increase_message_counter
from dhcpkit.ipv6.utils import is_global_unicast
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TCPConnection(Listener): """ A TCP connection listener for DHCPv6 messages """ def __init__(self, interface_name: str, connected_socket: socket.socket, write_lock: Lock, global_address: IPv6Address, marks: Iterable[str] = None): """ Initialise listener. :param interface_name: The name of the interface :param connected_socket: The socket we are listening on and will send replies to :param global_address: The global address on the listening interface :param marks: Marks attached to this listener """ self.interface_name = interface_name self.interface_id = interface_name.encode('utf-8') self.connected_socket = connected_socket self.global_address = global_address self.marks = list(marks or []) self.write_lock = write_lock # Check that we have IPv6 TCP sockets if != socket.AF_INET6 or self.connected_socket.proto != socket.IPPROTO_TCP: raise ListeningSocketError("TCP Listen sockets have to be IPv6 TCP sockets") our_sockname = self.connected_socket.getsockname() # Check that we are on the right port if our_sockname[1] != SERVER_PORT: raise ListeningSocketError("Connected sockets have to be on port {}".format(SERVER_PORT)) self.interface_index = our_sockname[3] # Remember the sender peer_sockname = self.connected_socket.getpeername() self.client_address = IPv6Address(peer_sockname[0].split('%')[0]) self.client_port = peer_sockname[1] # Prepare buffer for received data self.buffer = b''
[docs] def packet_from_buffer(self): """ Create a packet and replier from the data in the buffer :return: The incoming packet data and a replier object """ # Copy the message and remove it from the buffer message_length = unpack_from('!H', self.buffer)[0] data = self.buffer[2:2 + message_length] self.buffer = self.buffer[2 + message_length:] # Create the message-ID message_counter = increase_message_counter() message_id = '#{:06X}'.format(message_counter) logger.log(DEBUG_PACKETS, "{message_id}: Received message from {client_addr} port {port}".format( message_id=message_id, client_addr=str(self.client_address), port=self.client_port)) interface_id_option = InterfaceIdOption(interface_id=self.interface_id) packet_bundle = IncomingPacketBundle(message_id=message_id, data=data, source_address=self.client_address, link_address=self.global_address, interface_index=self.interface_index, received_over_multicast=False, received_over_tcp=True, marks=self.marks, relay_options=[interface_id_option]) # Create a replier replier = TCPReplier(self.connected_socket, self.write_lock) return packet_bundle, replier
[docs] def recv_data_into_buffer(self, amount: int) -> int: """ Receive data into the buffer and do proper error handling :param amount: How much data do we want? :return: How much data did we receive? """ data = self.connected_socket.recv(amount) if data == b'':"TCP connection to {client_addr} port {port} closed".format( client_addr=str(self.client_address), port=self.client_port)) raise ClosedListener self.buffer += data # Return how much data we added return len(data)
[docs] def recv_request(self) -> Tuple[IncomingPacketBundle, Replier]: """ Receive incoming messages :return: The incoming packet data and a replier object """ # Do we know how much data we need to receive? buffer_length = len(self.buffer) if buffer_length < 2: # Not yet, let's see if we can receive the message length buffer_length += self.recv_data_into_buffer(2 - buffer_length) if buffer_length >= 2: # Yes, we have the message length in the buffer message_length = unpack_from('!H', self.buffer)[0] # Receive extra data into the buffer we_already_have = buffer_length - 2 remaining_data = message_length - we_already_have if remaining_data > 0: buffer_length += self.recv_data_into_buffer(remaining_data) # Check if we have a complete message we_already_have = buffer_length - 2 if we_already_have >= message_length: # We have a new message, return it return self.packet_from_buffer() # Apparently we don't have a complete message yet raise IncompleteMessage
[docs] def fileno(self) -> int: """ The fileno of the listening socket, so this object can be used by select() :return: The file descriptor """ return self.connected_socket.fileno()
[docs]class TCPReplier(Replier): """ A class to send replies to the client """ # Whether multiple replies can be sent over this replier can_send_multiple = True def __init__(self, reply_socket: socket.socket, reply_lock: Lock): self.reply_socket = reply_socket self.reply_lock = reply_lock # Remember the sender peer_sockname = self.reply_socket.getpeername() self.client_address = IPv6Address(peer_sockname[0].split('%')[0]) self.client_port = peer_sockname[1]
[docs] def send_reply(self, outgoing_message: RelayReplyMessage) -> bool: """ Send a reply to the client :param outgoing_message: The message to send, including a wrapping RelayReplyMessage :return: Whether sending was successful """ # Construct reply reply = outgoing_message.relayed_message message_data = data = pack('!H', len(message_data)) + message_data try: with self.reply_lock: # Make sure we don't get stuck self.reply_socket.settimeout(300) self.reply_socket.sendall(data) self.reply_socket.settimeout(None) logger.log(DEBUG_PACKETS, "Sent {message_type} to {client_addr} port {port}".format( message_type=outgoing_message.inner_message.__class__.__name__, client_addr=str(self.client_address), port=self.client_port)) return True except OSError as e: logger.error("Could not send {message_type} to {client_addr} port {port}: {exception}".format( message_type=outgoing_message.inner_message.__class__.__name__, client_addr=str(self.client_address), port=self.client_port, exception=e)) return False
[docs]class TCPConnectionListener(ListenerCreator): """ Wrapper for a listening TCP socket. This is not a listener in the DHCPKit sense of the concept. DHCPKit listeners receive DHCPv6 messages, which is done on an established connection. :type interface_name: str :type interface_index: int :type listen_socket: socket.socket :type listen_address: IPv6Address :type global_address: IPv6Address """ def __init__(self, interface_name: str, listen_socket: socket.socket, global_address: IPv6Address = None, marks: Iterable[str] = None, max_connections: int = 10, allow_from: Iterable[IPv6Network] = None): """ Initialise TCP listener. :param interface_name: The name of the interface :param listen_socket: The socket we are listening on, may be a unicast or multicast socket :param global_address: The global address on the listening interface :param marks: Marks attached to this listener """ self.interface_name = interface_name self.interface_id = interface_name.encode('utf-8') self.marks = list(marks or []) self.max_connections = max_connections self.allow_from = list(allow_from or []) # Make sure the listening socket is non-blocking self.listen_socket = listen_socket self.listen_socket.setblocking(False) # Check that we have IPv6 TCP sockets if != socket.AF_INET6 or self.listen_socket.proto != socket.IPPROTO_TCP: raise ListeningSocketError("TCP Listen sockets have to be IPv6 TCP sockets") listen_sockname = self.listen_socket.getsockname() # Check that we are on the right port if listen_sockname[1] != SERVER_PORT: raise ListeningSocketError("TCP Listen sockets have to be on port {}".format(SERVER_PORT)) self.interface_index = listen_sockname[3] self.listen_address = IPv6Address(listen_sockname[0].split('%')[0]) if global_address: self.global_address = global_address elif is_global_unicast(self.listen_address): self.global_address = self.listen_address else: raise ListeningSocketError("Cannot determine global address on interface {}".format(self.interface_name)) # We only support fixed address binding if self.listen_address.is_unspecified: raise ListeningSocketError("This server only supports listening on explicit address, not on wildcard") # Create a manager for the locks self.manager = multiprocessing.Manager() # Keep weak references to sockets so we can see how many are still alive self.open_sockets = weakref.WeakSet()
[docs] def create_listener(self) -> Optional[TCPConnection]: """ Accept incoming connection :return: The connection object """ try: connected_socket, client = self.listen_socket.accept() except OSError: # Something went wrong before we could accept the socket return None if len(self.open_sockets) >= self.max_connections: # Too many connections, shut it down logger.warning( "More than {max_connections} open TCP connections, " "rejecting connection from {client_addr} port {port}".format( max_connections=self.max_connections, client_addr=client[0], port=client[1] ) ) connected_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) connected_socket.close() return None if self.allow_from: # Restricted access client_address = IPv6Address(client[0].split('%')[0]) if not any([client_address in allowed_range for allowed_range in self.allow_from]): logger.error("Rejecting TCP connection from {client_addr} port {port}".format( client_addr=client[0], port=client[1])) connected_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) connected_socket.close() return None # Ok, allowed"Incoming TCP connection from {client_addr} port {port}".format( client_addr=client[0], port=client[1])) # Add a weak reference to the set self.open_sockets.add(connected_socket) lock = self.manager.Lock() return TCPConnection(interface_name=self.interface_name, connected_socket=connected_socket, write_lock=lock, global_address=self.global_address, marks=self.marks)
[docs] def fileno(self) -> int: """ The fileno of the listening socket, so this object can be used by select() :return: The file descriptor """ return self.listen_socket.fileno()