Source code for dhcpkit.ipv6.server.handlers.basic

Basic handlers for options

import logging

from dhcpkit.ipv6.options import Option, OptionRequestOption
from dhcpkit.ipv6.server.handlers import Handler
from dhcpkit.ipv6.server.transaction_bundle import TransactionBundle
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Type

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CopyOptionHandler(Handler): """ This handler just copies a type of option from the request to the response :param option_class: The option class to copy :param always_send: Always send this option, even if the OptionRequestOption doesn't ask for it """ def __init__(self, option_class: Type[Option], *, always_send: bool = False): super().__init__() self.option_class = option_class """The class of the option from the request to the response""" self.always_send = always_send """Whether an :class:`.OptionRequestOption` in the request should be ignored"""
[docs] def handle(self, bundle: TransactionBundle): """ Copy the option from the request to the response. :param bundle: The transaction bundle """ # Make sure this option can go into this type of response if not bundle.response.may_contain(self.option_class): return # Check what the client requested if not self.always_send: # Don't add if the client doesn't request it oro = bundle.request.get_option_of_type(OptionRequestOption) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if oro and self.option_class.option_type not in oro.requested_options: # Client doesn't want this return # Make sure this option isn't present and then copy those from the request bundle.response.options = [existing_option for existing_option in bundle.response.options if not isinstance(existing_option, self.option_class)] bundle.response.options[:0] = bundle.request.get_options_of_type(self.option_class)
[docs]class SimpleOptionHandler(Handler): """ Standard handler for simple static options :param option: The option instance to add to the response :param append: Always add, even if an option of this class already exists :param always_send: Always send this option, even if the OptionRequestOption doesn't ask for it """ def __init__(self, option: Option, *, append: bool = False, always_send: bool = False): super().__init__() self.option = option """The option instance to add to the response""" self.option_class = type(option) """The class of the option""" self.append = append """Always add, even if an option of this class already exists""" self.always_send = always_send """Always send this option, even if the :class:`.OptionRequestOption` doesn't ask for it"""
[docs] def combine(self, existing_options: Iterable[Option]) -> Optional[Option]: """ If an option of this type already exists this method can combine the existing option with our own option to create a combined option. :param existing_options: The existing options :return: The combined option which will replace all existing options, or None to leave the existing options """ # By default we just leave the existing options alone return None
[docs] def handle(self, bundle: TransactionBundle): """ Add the option to the response in the bundle. :param bundle: The transaction bundle """ # Make sure this option can go into this type of response if not bundle.response.may_contain(self.option): return # Check what the client requested if not self.always_send: # Don't add if the client doesn't request it oro = bundle.request.get_option_of_type(OptionRequestOption) if oro and self.option.option_type not in oro.requested_options: # Client doesn't want this return if self.append: # Just add add = True else: # See if this option was already present found = bundle.response.get_options_of_type(self.option_class) if found: result = self.combine(existing_options=found) if isinstance(result, Option): # A new option, remove the old ones for option in found: bundle.response.options.remove(option) # And add the combined one bundle.response.options.append(result) # Don't add the standard version add = False else: # The option didn't exist yet, just add it add = True if add: # We always want to add it, or it didn't exist yet bundle.response.options.append(self.option)
[docs]class OverwriteOptionHandler(Handler): """ Overwriting handler for simple static options. :param option: The option instance to use :param always_send: Always send this option, even if the OptionRequestOption doesn't ask for it """ def __init__(self, option: Option, *, always_send: bool = False): super().__init__() self.option = option """The option to add to the response""" self.option_class = type(option) """The class of the option""" self.always_send = always_send """Whether an :class:`.OptionRequestOption` in the request should be ignored"""
[docs] def handle(self, bundle: TransactionBundle): """ Overwrite the option in the response in the bundle. :param bundle: The transaction bundle """ # Make sure this option can go into this type of response if not bundle.response.may_contain(self.option): return # Check what the client requested if not self.always_send: # Don't add if the client doesn't request it oro = bundle.request.get_option_of_type(OptionRequestOption) if oro and self.option.option_type not in oro.requested_options: # Client doesn't want this return # Make sure this option isn't present and then add our own bundle.response.options = [existing_option for existing_option in bundle.response.options if not isinstance(existing_option, self.option_class)] bundle.response.options.insert(0, self.option)