Source code for dhcpkit.ipv6.server.extensions.prefix_delegation

Server extension to handle prefix delegation options properly
import logging

from dhcpkit.ipv6.extensions.prefix_delegation import IAPDOption, IAPrefixOption, STATUS_NO_PREFIX_AVAIL
from dhcpkit.ipv6.messages import RebindMessage, ReleaseMessage, RenewMessage, RequestMessage, SolicitMessage
from dhcpkit.ipv6.options import STATUS_NO_BINDING, StatusCodeOption
from dhcpkit.ipv6.server.handlers import CannotRespondError, Handler
from dhcpkit.ipv6.server.transaction_bundle import TransactionBundle
from typing import List

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def create_cleanup_handlers() -> List[Handler]: """ Create handlers to clean up stuff in the transaction bundle :return: Handlers to add to the handler chain """ return [UnansweredIAPDOptionHandler()]
[docs]class UnansweredIAPDOptionHandler(Handler): """ A handler that answers to all unanswered IAPDOptions :param authoritative: Whether this handler is authorised to tell clients to stop using prefixes """ def __init__(self, authoritative: bool = True): super().__init__() self.authoritative = authoritative
[docs] def handle(self, bundle: TransactionBundle): """ Make sure that every :class:`.IAPDOption` is answered. :param bundle: The transaction bundle """ for option in bundle.get_unhandled_options(IAPDOption): if isinstance(bundle.request, (SolicitMessage, RequestMessage)): # If the delegating router will not assign any prefixes to any IA_PDs in a subsequent Request from the # requesting router, the delegating router MUST send an Advertise message to the requesting router that # includes the IA_PD with no prefixes in the IA_PD and a Status Code option in the IA_PD containing # status code NoPrefixAvail and a status message for the user # # We do the same for unanswered requests bundle.response.options.append(IAPDOption(option.iaid, options=[ StatusCodeOption(STATUS_NO_PREFIX_AVAIL, "No prefixes available") ])) elif isinstance(bundle.request, RenewMessage): # Renew message: If the delegating router cannot find a binding for the requesting router's IA_PD the # delegating router returns the IA_PD containing no prefixes with a Status Code option set to # NoBinding in the Reply message. prefixes = ', '.join(map(str, option.get_prefixes())) logger.warning("No handler renewed {}: sending NoBinding status".format(prefixes)) bundle.response.options.append(IAPDOption(option.iaid, options=[ StatusCodeOption(STATUS_NO_BINDING, "No prefixes assigned to you") ])) elif isinstance(bundle.request, RebindMessage): # Rebind message: If the delegating router cannot find a binding for the requesting router's IA_PD and # the delegating router determines that the prefixes in the IA_PD are not appropriate for the link to # which the requesting router's interface is attached according to the delegating routers explicit # configuration, the delegating router MAY send a Reply message to the requesting router containing # the IA_PD with the lifetimes of the prefixes in the IA_PD set to zero. This Reply constitutes an # explicit notification to the requesting router that the prefixes in the IA_PD are no longer valid. # # If the delegating router is unable to determine if the prefix is not appropriate for the link, the # Rebind message is discarded. # # The authoritative flag indicates whether this option may claim whether it is able to determine if a # prefix is appropriate for the link. if not self.authoritative: raise CannotRespondError("Server is not authoritative and cannot reject rebind") prefixes = ', '.join(map(str, option.get_prefixes())) logger.warning("No handler answered rebind of {}: withdrawing prefixes".format(prefixes)) reply_suboptions = [] for suboption in option.get_options_of_type(IAPrefixOption): reply_suboptions.append(IAPrefixOption(suboption.prefix, preferred_lifetime=0, valid_lifetime=0)) bundle.response.options.append(IAPDOption(option.iaid, options=reply_suboptions)) elif isinstance(bundle.request, ReleaseMessage): # For each IA in the Release message for which the server has no binding information, the server adds an # IA option using the IAID from the Release message, and includes a Status Code option with the value # NoBinding in the IA option. No other options are included in the IA option. bundle.response.options.append(IAPDOption(option.iaid, options=[ StatusCodeOption(STATUS_NO_BINDING, "No prefixes assigned to you") ]))